2010年6月28日 星期一


Unity3D 可以用來開發MMO嗎? 當然是可以的! MMO - 顧名思義就是大量多人連線, 早已跳脫了單機遊戲之外, Unity提供了開發者一個大展身手的舞台,也提供了基本連線功能, 可是, 要如何把成百上千個玩家串在一起, 讓你中有我, 我中有你呢? 對那些已經在這行的老手, 這自不在話下.可是, 對那些非程式設計師或新手而言,要如何開始呢?
既然談到了MMO, 就免不了提到 Client/ Server的架構. Unity提供了client端的絕妙選擇, 但是, server端呢?
除了自己寫server之外又有哪些選擇呢? 幸好, 坊間還是有一些選擇可供新手來過過癮的, 有些是免費, 有些是以連線數來訂價, 有些則另行報價, 茲列於下:




Project Darkstar



Hero Engine

Icarus Studios

Monumental Games


BigWorld Technology

Open Simulator

Badumna Network Suite - 一個P2P MMO多人線上伺服器

Lidgren Network

All middeware can be used with Unity as long as it plays well with the Mono interface.

2010年6月25日 星期五

Unity 3D 的一些週邊工具與軟體

以下所列內容為Unity 3D中可以和Unity IDE共同使用以增進開發流程的及軟體工具和程式庫. 有些可以用來快速產生prototype, 有些則提供一些常用功能給開發者以避免重覆花費不必要的時間並讓開發者可以加強在IDE上的力道來增加開發者的生產力.

1. ProtoPack from Frogames
ProtoPack是一些小工具的集合, 它可以讓開發者很快速的上手. 它不但包括了些基礎物件, 也包括了進一步的程式庫. 另外, Frogames 也提供了其它美術物件, 目前有以下的套件:
Forest Pack, Proto Pack, Warriors & Commoners, Dungeon Pack, Dungeon Guardians Pack, RTS Buildings Pack: Orcs, RTS Buildings Pack: Humans, Starship Pack, Houses Models Pack, Houses Models Pack 2

2. iTween from Pixelplacement
iTween 提供了可在Unity環境中產生動畫的程式庫, 它提供了類似於許多Flash Tweening包括了控制位置和週期設定的動畫控制項程式庫.

3. TransformUtilities from Seth Illgard
TransforUtilities 提供使用者複製遊戲物件在Unity IDE環境中的座標, 旋轉矩陣, 縮放矩陣, 及軸線資訊, 也允許使用者將這些資訊附加到其他物件上.

4. dimeRocker Turnkey Social Game Platform for iPhone, Facebook, MySpace
dimeRocker平台提供快速,簡單的方式讓你將你的Unity遊戲轉換到 Facebook, iPhone,MySpace和其他社群系統中。 dimeRocker提供可擴展的功能,讓你可以輕易的完成代管,排行榜,獎杯和獎勵制度,市場,公告,邀請...等幾乎所有的病毒式推廣的遊戲基本需求,好讓你可以集中精力發展你的遊戲,而不用老是為了跟上最新的更改到Facebook或MySpace上平台和API等而花費精力。DimeRocker快速入門文件是一個很好的開始,它會引導您設置您的環境和準備進行病毒式推廣。

5.Unity Character Customization Package With Free Reusable Characters
This free goodie from Unity Technologies allows you to customize the characters for use right there in your game. Here’s a working demo of the Character Customization tool and some asset bundle management instructions. You can download the free Character library from here.

6. Quidam by n-sided

7.Digimi from Gizmoz and Daz 3D
Digimi允許使用者逐步的建立自己的遊戲角色和其服裝配件. Here’s a video of the Digimi presentation at the Unity booth from GDC 2010 at their site you can also find a Unity 3D Avatar creation demo with fully integrated character head creation. You can also stop by the DigimiAvatars Youtube channel to see several other demos.

8. Animeeple
With Animeeple you are able to quickly apply BVH animation and motion captures to skeletons. You can also import 3D Animations of your own and apply them to the skeletons within Animeeeple. I’ve got an informative interview with Leslie Ikemoto cofounder of Animate Me which I’m in the process of polishing up that we’ll be sharing with you soon. Meanwhile here is the Animeeple to Unity Documentation. See BVHacker below for more on Editing BVH Files.


9. C# Interpreter Console for Unity
當Unity遊戲在執行模式時, 此一外掛可以讓使用者顯示在一個互動式的終端中執行C#程式碼並輔以除錯之功能.

10. Unity3D Dialogue Engine from X9
The Dialogue Engine for Unity3D Simplifies creation of dialogue windows in RPGs.

Inspect every item in your world and speak to any character in the game. For characters you can make their dialogue as complex as you need them to be. Want to make every character remember every sentence they say to your character and make the dialogue change every single time you speak to them? Done.

11. Behave from AngryAnt
The Behave project is a system for designing, integrating and running behaviour logic using Behaviour Trees for simulated characters in unity projects

12. Sketch from Angry Ant
Sketch是一個在Unity編輯器中使用的簡易工具, 它可以用來修改assets中模型的網格.

13. Simple AudioManager from Seth Illgard
“Since it is very natural to have one manager object in your scene acting as a singleton, I’ve written a component that can be attached to such manager. The work of this component is to play almost any sound you want to play in your game.”

14. Detonator Unity Explosion Framework by Ben Throop
Detonator framework is a parametric explosion framework. Kaboom! (Sorry small frontal lobe lapse there) From Mushroom clouds to all kinds of other explosions they are all in your control. Check out this video of the Detonator framework in action.

15. Urban PAD from Gamr7
Urban PAD 允許使用者以調整變數的方法來漸進的構築城市. 它大大的加速了開發的時程.

16. UniTUIO
UniTUIO Multitouch framework for creation of Unity based Multitouch applications here are some video tutorials for UniTUIO I look forward to getting to sit down with Britten" href="http://infiniteunity3d.com/tag/ben-britten/">Ben Britten and Sandor Rozsa soon to discuss related projects such as FishTish which I got to see Ben Britten demonstrate at GDC 2010.

17 Brass Monkey Wifi Objective C Unity Library
Brass Monkey which is soon to be released by InfraRed5 allows for latency-free Wifi control of your Unity game via iPhone and soon several other mobile platforms. I got a chance to video tape the demonstration at GDC 2010 and also got a brief explanation of Brass Monkey . I will be sitting down with Chris Allen CEO of InfraRed5 soon to talk further about this mind-blowing technology and the implications for future games.

18. True Bones
animation in unity 3d game engine" />

True Bones motion files go great with the aforementioned Animeeple animated characters. I hope to get a chance to dig deeper into these personally soon but have heard plenty about them already.

19. BVHacker
BVHacker是一個可以編輯BVH動作檔的免費工具, 編輯後的檔案則可以附加到骨架上來作animation.

20. Unity Locomotion System
Semi-procedural animation package to dramatically improve the realism of animated humans and animals. Here’s a video of the Unity Locomotion package in action and a Unite 08 presentation about using the Locomotion System in your Unity Game.

21.Max Unity3D Interoperability Kit 22. Procedural Head Look Controller
Make characters look towards a specified point in space, smoothly turning towards it with for example the eyes, head, upper body, or whatever is specified.

23 External Lightmapping Tool
Take a look at the example Screencast of the External Lightmapping tool which allows you to create nice looking lighting for your Unity scenes.

24 Unity Terain Toolkit Fractscape from Starscene

25 objReader from Starscene

26. AutoSave Script
專供 Unity 3d 使用的 自動存檔腳本. 免費的.

27. Unity Script Editor from arsoftware
一個給 Unity 3D 使用, 免費的JavaScript 編輯器. Free...

2010年6月24日 星期四


Unity Technique CEO David Helgason 寫給開發者的信:

Unity 3 Beta測試版已經開始寄送給預下訂單的客戶
Unity 3 Beta測試版的預訂客戶!今天,我們發出下載說明給前100名的下單客戶,並且會在未來數星期發送給其他的預訂客戶。

2010年6月23日 星期三




3D Buzz: directx, unity...

Unity Project: Smokey Monkeys

Unity Tutorial Site:

Unity / SQL